Thursday, January 14, 2010

Number Two Is TWO!

The very happy birthday boy in the morning-- Getting a birthday hug from his big brother--

What happens when you say "put your heads together and smile" from the front seat--

Unfortunately, the Jump Zone wouldn't let us in (our original plan), but we had almost as much fun at Chic-fil-A, which is the boys' favorite place.

Birthday present excitement...

Noah got a kick out of the blow-outs when Isaac attacked him with them.

Party favor vs tractor

Isaac even got to give a gift. You can't see the expert wrapping job of the ball he's holding, though.

The theme was tractors and farms (especially the sheep variety).

Isaac couldn't wait to help Noah open all his presents before long. "Here Noah, I'll hold and you pull."
He was pretty excited about the cake.
Richard and Becky joined us for cake and ice cream, which made it feel like a real birthday party. They read our minds about the theme, apparently: now we have all the tractors in our collection!
We all enjoy visits with them, but the boys adore Richard and Becky.

The cake was kind of designed with Sweet Haven, the farm we live on, in mind. Just a bit. Of course, Katie is a sheep dog (not a Collie).
Noah enjoyed being sung to. He recognized that song from Isaac's birthday (and Isaac sang it to him a few times earlierin the day)!

One blow: one candle...
Another breath...

And this is the aftermath, with the poor animals quite stuck in the snow.

It was a great second birthday!
Before bed, Noah got to read his new favorite story (a present from Becky), and we usually read it every night now.
Happy Birthday, my sweet two-year-old! His latest quote about that: "I'm not a big boy; I'm TWO!"