Friday, February 27, 2015

Spring Cutenesses

Ellie enjoyed soccer each week on her very first team!

These are some shots Jared captured while at the playground at Lackland with the kiddies.

Isaac's service project for 2014 was to collect donations for Fischer House of Lackland.

Noah's lucky shamrock

Ellie's pretty toes, courtesy of Maria.

Playing with the apps at the restaurant while waiting for our food

Noah's fiesta parade float (an airplane carrier)

Isaac's soccer practice was over and he found the perfect reading spot during Noah's practice.

Every once in a while, these two actually get along...and are super cute.

What's wrong with the couch? Apparently the coffee table (what seems like an optical illusion here) was a better bet for snuggling during the movie.

A sample of some of the art that came home during fiesta season.

Isaac earned enough AR points (from reading books and testing on them) to get the highest reward available at his school: to be Principal's Helper for a day. He reached his year's goal of points months before school was out. So then he increased it, just for fun. What can I say? He loves to read.

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