Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Don't Forget the Baby

So, with three older siblings, it may seem like Little Natalie doesn't get a lot of attention. It's true that the world does not revolve around her. I love that! It's also true that she is so doted on, so recognized and honored for her wonderful "Personatalie," and so happy for having so many loving family members. It almost makes me have an "aha" moment about large families and how they do it. Almost.

Anyhoo, I thought you should know that every month on the 22nd I take a little picture and make a few notes on some of her milestones. When she turned a year old, I started doing it every other month. She'll have a book made of all these pictures, but I think it's selfish to leave it out of the Family Blog Book since we are the ones who'll remember her awesome cuteness when we see them in a hundred years. But I think I'll wait to post on that till I've caught up to her 18-month mark.

For now, here's some shots from May 2016 of this 14-month old, charming character we often call The Baby.
 And here we see the challenges of trying to capture cuteness on film when the baby's energy is so typically light. She also stole the phone for some selfies. We have much to learn.
I'm sorry I can't get any videos to upload; otherwise, they'd go here too.

1 comment:

Noelle said...

I love this so much! It is SO good for kids to be around other kids so that the world doesn't revolve around them... Gotta work on that for our little guy... 😉 Keep up the good work, Momma!